
martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

Winter Rose

One day I shall leave,
that day you should know
that's not me who wants to go
but distant voices will be calling
and I shall start my last journey
to meet again those who left before.
I'll fly to the silver lining of the clouds.
Will Mother Earth rise to meet me again,
her daughter?

I shall pay Her back
all the miracles She let me live,
but that day it's not today,
today I'm still leaving in a land
of endless wonders.

I came to be
on a winter afternoon
in mid-February.

Mom says that day
winter fled
and that I brought spring,
white roses were in full bloom
and a gentle breeze
showered the world in white petals,
the first spring snow.

So I am a winter rose,
I carry winter in my heart
and snow sings in my name
but deep inside
spring is soaring!

So I am the winter rose
that calls for spring days,
if you take the time to know me
you'll feel the depths of warmth
in the linings of my world.

I grew up to be
Snow White,
pale skin,
dark hair
and winter heart
where spring blossoms.

I may not be a big talker
but I watch the world in awe
as it twirls around
to meet us with endless wonder.

I shall dance to its beauty,
to the music that can only be heard
in the depths of the soul.

I am a winter rose,
snow sings in my name,
but deep inside
spring is soaring!

Singing to the miracles of life,
Isn't life itself a wonder?
In awe with our Mother.

I am the winter rose
that calls for spring days.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

In my very core

His fingers grace the keys
music erupts in mid air,
shattering glass,
something breaks inside,
inside of me. 

In my very core.

The beauty of his shadow
against the downing sun,
his back bent down to his piano,
magic plays in his hands
and something wakes up 
inside of me.

In my very core.

Wonder and sadness,
shades of love
blossom in my heart,
inside of me,
in my very core.

Wonder for the magician
that plays music
to my heartstrings,
to the rhythm of my lyrics
and shatters me,
a million glass shards
of fantasy and love,
breaks me apart
from my very core.

In my very core.

sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014

Tango contigo

Esta noche
Bailemos un tango sobre tu cama,
Quiero vestir tu piel
Y el abrazo de tus sábanas.

Al ritmo de tus latidos
Quiero danzar contigo,
Ser la arcilla de tus deseos,
Moldeame a fuego lento
En las fraguas de tu pasión.

En los desfiladeros de mi cuerpo
Quiero que se despeñe tu razón,
Ser la seda de tus fantasías
Y tejerme en torno a tu corazón.

Quiero bailar un tango
A solas con tu devoción,
No ser la virgen de tus altares
Y descender a tu mundo pecador
Y que me ores con tus besos,
Plegarias de sudor, carne y hueso
Para convertir el agua en vino,
El cuerpo y alma de tu amor.

Esta noche
Bailemos un tango sobre tu cama,
Quiero desvestir mi piel
Y vestir tan solo la tuya.

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Tus tinieblas

Quise ser
La luna llena que ilumina tu noche,
La estrella polar que guía tus pasos,
El aire que oxigena tu pecho
Y el agua que nutre tus labios.

Pero tu noche es demasiado oscura,
Nado a la deriva en tus tinieblas,
Me pierdo y no me encuentro,
Soy el haz de una estrella fugaz,
Ardo en tu cielo y me combustiono.
Pierdo la luz.
Me esfumo.

Creí poder ser
Tu ángel,
El faro que arrecia tus tormentas,
Quitarme las alas y enseñarte
A volar con ellas.

Pero tus tempestades siempre están inquietas,
Bebo de tu angustia
Y tu odio me envenena,
Mis alas se tornan negras,
Las cercenas.
No aprendiste a volar
Y me atas a tus tinieblas.

Tu noche es demasiado oscura,
Nado a la deriva en tus tinieblas,
Me pierdo y no me encuentro,
Soy el haz de una estrella fugaz,
Ardo en tu cielo y me combustiono.
Pierdo la luz.
Me esfumo.

Y mientras muero en tus brazos
Eres feliz
Porque soy tuya en tu noche,
Mi luz se ha apagado
Y ya no podré volar lejos de ti.

Shades of you

You smile at me,
Your eyes lit up,
They are alive,
From the portrait
You look so bright,
You bloom in full color,
From my side
Reality is black and white.

I can't believe
You are no more,
I'm still waiting
For you to come.

And tell me

Tell me, why?
Why did you choose
To walk so close to the edge.

Tell me, why?
Can't you see the world
Is full of love and wonder.
Can't you feel our love,
Is enraptured.

I'm missing you.

Your smile fades
And the world shades
Into a pool of darkness,
A blur of blue,
I can still see you,
You fade behind a curtain
Of tears and sadness.

I can't believe
You are no more,
I'm still waiting
For you to come

And tell me
Tell me, why? 

Why did you decide
To cut your ties
When life was in full bloom?

Tell me, why?
Life was young and full of wonder,
The spring of youth was uprooted,
A withering flower
Is left to mark your tomb.

I'm left behind,
I'm missing the answer,
But above all,
I'm missing you.

A withering flower,
The wind is blowing in my eyes
And I'm missing you.

sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

El vuelo del fénix

El fénix extiende las alas
en su último vuelo,
el sol incendia sus plumas
y se incinera en su esplendor.

Sus cenizas caen del cielo,
un llanto de estrellas fugaces,
me baña, me quema,
su despedida arde en mis ojos.

Fui yo,
mi orgullo,
mi angustia,
le dije adiós
pero no quise verla marchar.

Y ahora se ha ido.