
miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

A woman from planet Earth

You never loved me
the way a human being
should love another.
You dressed me up in wonder,
said I was a goddess, not your lover,
you built me an altar full of flowers
and worshiped the illusion of perfection.

You let me dance among the stars,
said my red carped was Mars,
you were the moon, my satellite,
I was the Northern Star on your sky.

'Till you opened your eyes
to discover nothing else
than a woman born in planet Earth

I fell down from Heaven,
a shooting star you wished upon,
but when you reached out
you saw I was nothing but a rock,
a woman born in planet Earth

You thought I flew,
I had wings,
but I walk too,
the same as you,
I'm but a human being

I'm no goddess
and you couldn't love me,
this woman born in planet Earth

You fell for a fantasy,
got down to your knees
and worshiped my feet,
but you can't stand up
and walk hand in hand
with this woman who's me

I never asked 
to dance among the stars
to walk the red carpet in Mars,
for you to be my satellite,
to be the guide in your night sky

I only wished to be loved,
but you could never love
this humble woman from planet Earth

I still think I'm dressed up in wonder,
but if you can't stand my faults,
the scars and voids inside my soul,
it's time to call it over.

I'll jump from my altar
to the earthly ground,
fall down from your heaven,
cut my wings and cry out loud
I'm just a woman from planet Earth

You couldn't love me,
I walk away,
I may not fly
but there's no fault in my steps,
I'm a beautiful woman

born on planet Earth.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

The plus nine time

Streetlamps light the night,
they may seem pretty from afar,
but seen upfront they are just

In this artificial land,
you stand among them all,
you... the only natural one.

When did you enter my world?
Like a gentle spring breeze
you swap my heart. 

You are standing there,
just beside me 
but miles away.

I don't have the courage
to reach out my hand
to you,
to you
to you...

I love you,
I love you,
I love only you,
-sings my heart

You are beautiful,
you are beautiful,
you are the most beautiful,
- can't you feel it all?

It's the plus nine time,
we are standing side by side,
you are smiling silly
to a joke playing in your mind

Night time whispers in my ear
that now it's the right time,
I reach out for my courage
but I open my eyes and you are gone

I never made a move

You were standing there,
just beside me 
but miles away.

I call out your name,
you turn around
and look me in the eye

I try to find the words
but they are stuck in my throat,
I end up saying goodbye
and you smile.

And you walk away

And again
I'm on my own.

I don't have the courage
to reach out my hand
to you,
to you
to you...

I love you,
I love you,
I love only you,
-sings my heart

You are beautiful,
you are beautiful,
you are the most beautiful,
- can't you feel it all?

Your back against the streetlamps
seems lonely,
It's Valentine's 
and I'm not by your side.

I've been a butterfly
dancing from flower to flower,
paper flowers,
scentless flowers,
false flowers in my garden,
but to the one true rose
that blossoms in my heart
I seem unable to
find the courage to have.

Something ignites in my soul,
it's the plus nine hour,
Nighttime whispers in my ear
that now it's the right time

And suddenly I wake up
and reach out to my courage
and I run to you,
run to you,
run to you...

I love you,
I love you,
I love only you,
-sings my heart

You are beautiful,
you are beautiful,
you are the most beautiful,
- can't you feel it all?

The clock strikes twelve,
Valentine day is over,
your shadow beneath the streetlamp
embraces another man's shadow,
the fantasy is broken.

It's the plus nine time,
you may be by my side,
but you are miles away.

I was a coward,
I was too late,
too late,
too late...
to shower
my one true flower.

Street lamps light the night,
they may seem pretty from afar,
but seen upfront they are just

My artificial heart
is stopping now,
you were the only one,

my one true flower.
-Inspirado en "Plus Nine Boys"-

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

¿Qué eres?

¿Qué eres
sino una palabra en el silencio,
un sueño cuando yazco despierto,
el último recuerdo que me visita
cuando duermo?

 ¿Qué eres sino amor?

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Haz el amor y no la guerra

En un soleado día de primavera
cuelga el arma,
desviste tus creencias,
viste otra piel
y sal a pasear.

Escucha el trino de los pájaros,
contempla las flores en los árboles
y los campos disfrazarse de colores,
los niños salen a jugar.

Su risa pende del aire,
música para las calles,
te inunda el corazón,
como aquella muchacha lozana
con su vestido de flores
que languidece al sol.

Si te parece hermosa
prende en sus labios una sonrisa
y de sus cabellos una flor,
abandona en sus curvas la locura
y baila al son de la paz y su razón.

Tú que arrastras el nombre de Dios,
lo recitas,
lo gritas,
lo clamas,
y Dios muere un poco cada día
con cada niño que siembras
bajo una lápida.

Tú que llevas la muerte
prendida en los labios,
tú que siembras las aceras de metralla
y recoges los frutos de la guerra,
tú, desnúdate de violencia
y viste la primavera.